Five Tips for 2016

Dec 31, 2015
As the New Year approaches The Jordan Olympic Committee would like to thank all of our followers by offering five simple tips to take on board that will make it a healthier 2016.
Stay tuned with us for more of the most reliable positive sports news from our quality team of reporters as we look forward with optimism to an Olympic year when the world can celebrate sport and healthy living.
1. Eat and drink healthy: Choose healthy natural food and avoid junk! Make sure your food intake is rich in proteins and vitamins. Also ditch the fizzy pop, there are far more healthier alternatives to drink
2. Exercise: Just 20 minutes of healthy movement a day will give your body what it needs to protect you from ailments such as heart disease. This could be something as simple as a brisk walk.
3. Smoking free year: You know it makes sense. It will improve your health and also the health of those around you that have to put up with your second hand smoke. Give it up. It will also save you lots of money.
4. Watch your weight: Regularly monitoring your weight will help keep you on track. Perhaps step on the scales at the same time every month, maybe the first day? A rise in weight can help you re-focus your efforts whilst a drop will boost your morale.
5. Play sport: Saving the best until last! A healthy body makes a healthy mind and playing sport is all about fun and teamwork. What could be better?