Olympic preparation programme

The Olympic preparation programme was established based on our keenness to raise the Jordanian flag at international and Olympic events and to fulfil one of the greatest dreams of our athletes of participating at the Olympic Games and winning medals.
This national sports project provides high-performing players with an integrated training system that will enable them to compete at international and Olympic level, and to meet the policies of the Jordan Olympic Committee to nurture and develop outstanding talent.
We believe that our players have excellent sporting potential and this gives us the ambition to compete at both international and Olympic level.
Our aim is to prepare the largest number of Jordanian athletes to the Olympic Games through the provision of the Olympic Preparation Program.
This program provides a high-quality integrated sports system thereby meeting the training needs of athletes aspiring to compete at international level or at the Olympics. The selection of athletes is carried out by technical committees that deal with competition requirements, nominations and selections, preparation of training programmes including early physical preparations and sponsorship.
The programme also deals with training in safe sporting venues, healthcare, first Aids, emergency Response and Physiotherapy, Nutrition and dietary programmes, Seminars and lectures, provision of sports equipment and supplies, Following up with the implementation of the annual plans for Local and overseas participations, Follow-up training programme and dealing with professional bodies to provide the best technical and administrative service, provision of technical reports to the steering committee of the Olympic Program Programme, Evaluation of Coaches, Physical Preparation Progarmme and other sports programmes, Monitoring and evaluating the performance of High Performance Athletes during their participation and providing recommendations, Covering players expenses at tournaments and camps