Jun 10, 2015
The Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) has signed a Memo of Understanding with the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) with both organisations pledging to work together in order to improve the health and well being of citizens throughout the Kingdom.
Under its communications plan called Living Sport, the JOC has a vision for sport and healthy living to play a part in the lives of all Jordanians, and the leading organisation for sport in Jordan will work closely with RHAS to identify and develop areas of mutual co-operation.
“Signing this MoU is a clear message that sport must play a role in the general well being of Jordan,” said Lana Al Jaghbeer, JOC Secretary General. “We are looking forward to working closely with RHAS to develop and implement real projects that can make a positive impact on the health of our communities.”
Enaam Barrishi, Director General of RHAS, said: “Our cooperation with the Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) compliments our efforts in raising the awareness of Jordanians on the importance of physical activity. We will together create new opportunities and work on conducting multiple activities which aim to encourage Jordanians to integrate physical activity within their daily lives, and hopefully decrease incidence of chronic diseases in Jordan in the long run.”
The Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) was established in 2005 under the direction of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah to promote health and empower Jordanians to adopt healthy lifestyles and behaviors. RHAS's community-based projects are implemented in accordance with the needs of the communities and revolve around the national health priorities.
The JOC and RHAS have already worked together in creating an innovative project that will target every six to nine-year-old in the Kingdom. This is still under development but is due to be launched in September.