Dec 16, 2014
2015 Budget was approved and 5 scholarships awarded to athletes
The Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) held its monthly board member meeting on Monday night under the presidency of HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein.
Following a presentation from Lana Al Jaghbeer, JOC Secretary General and Mr. Ala' Khalifeh, JOC Legal Consultant, regarding the ongoing Athletics Federation issues, the board decided to apply the Federations' Regulations no. 45 for 2013, approved by JOC General Assembly, to approve the following:
- Recognize the board elected by the Athletics Federation general assembly and consider it the legal representative of athletics in Jordan. A request was made for them to regain the approval of their International Federation
- JOC will not recognize the general assembly that was formed from the club representatives nor the board it elected on December 12 which violated the JOC Federations Regulations no. 45 for 2013
In other decisions made, the board member approved the 2015 budget with total of 10,870,884 JD while the expected revenues for 2015 were (10,553,000 JD) leaving a 317,884 JD deficit. HRH Prince Feisal instructed to keep the federations' allocations the same without any cuts.
A financial allocation was set for preparing Olympic Athletes for next year and it was approved to launch the JOC Scientific Research Award and allocate a fund for it.
Following refusal of the Minister of Education to give the JOC five educational grants for national team athletes, Mr. Ahmad Hanandeh, Zain CEO and JOC Board Member, announced that they would cover the five university grants.
Meanwhile, the JOC board approved taekwondo’s new board, and the meeting concluded with Samar Nassar, CEO of the FIFA U17 Women’s World Cup Organizing Committee, presented the latest preparations for the event which will be held in September 2016.