Jul 25, 2018
Team Jordan have announced the Karate team who will compete for medals at the 18th Asian Games that will be hosted in Indonesia, Jakarta, from August 18-September 3.
Jordan will send a strong team, including this month’s Asian gold medallists Bashar Al Najjar and Abdulrahman Al Masatfah, as well as Mahmoud Al Sajjan, Mutasim Khair, Fatimah Al Shawabkeh and Huda Jaber.
Mohammad Othman, Head Coach, pointed out that the team is in good shape following the medals won at the 15th AKF Championship hosted in Amman three weeks ago. “We are targeting medals in Indonesia,” he said. “The event will be a great opportunity for our players to move up in their Olympic ranking ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Games.”
The team will head to Egypt at the beginning of August for intensive training.
Jordan have previously won Asian Games Karate medals through Manar Shaath (gold), Bashar Al Najjat and Abulrahma Al Masatfah (silver), and Mutasim Khair (two), Amer Abu Afifeh and Talat Khalil (all bronze).